lifecycle management

Simplify onboarding, offboarding, and everything in between

Discover easy-to-use, no-code workflows that save countless hours on employee onboarding, offboarding, and other transitions.

Set New Employees Up in Seconds

Use real-time and scheduled provisioning to automate the onboarding process.

  • Save time onboarding new employees with bulk provisioning automation.
  • Schedule provisioning access dates for added security and time savings.
  • Create a positive and productive employee experience from day one.

The Right Access to the Right Users

Assign roles with automated workflows, tailoring access to roles and departments.

  • Set up repeatable, systematic access rules based on role or department.
  • Reduce potential errors when assigning user permissions.
  • Easily audit user privileges and correct identified issues.

Secure Your Offboarding Process

Automate app de-provisioning as soon as offboarding begins to protect assets and data.

  • Enhance security by restricting access to company applicationspost-offboarding.
  • Sync de-provisioning timelines with corporate policies for smooth transitions.
  • Continuous monitoring ensures that only current employees have access to apps.

Ready to get started?

Interested in gaining 360o control over your software and hardware? Sign-up for a free Josys SaaS & device management account to transform your IT operations.